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Thursday, May 26, 2011

How are the fronts represented on a weather map

Just like on any other weather channel the blue pointed line on the map represents a cold front on the map just as the red line with simi-circles on it is a warm front. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

example picture of a cold front

What is a warm front?

Awarm front is defined as the region in which a warmer air mass replaces the previous cold air. Warm fronts travel from the southwest to the northeast and tend to be warmer and more humid.

Monday, May 23, 2011

What is a cold front

The definiton of a cold front is that of the area of change on which a cold air mass replaces a warmer air mass. Cold fronts tend to move from the northwest to southeast. Air in a cold front is colder and dryer then the air in front.